By default, Windows OS displays icons of all active network connections of the system tray. If you click on one of them, you’ll get a few statistics like status (connected/disconnected), duration (how much time has passed since it’s active), speed (maximum supported transfer rate) and the number of sent/received packets. In some cases (like PPPoE connections), instead of packet numbers, the numbers of bytes transmitted and received are displayed.
Not many people are interested in the number of packets that Windows reports. LanSpeed2 is a program that shows you the network statistics that count bytes sent/received, current transfer rate of download and upload, average speed and so on. With this tool, you can finally see how fast a Youtube video is downloading or whatever is of interest to you. By keeping an eye on the statistics, you can also estimate its size.
The window showing the statistics is small but its size can be adjusted freely. To make it interfere as little as possible with the content from other windows, it can be set to be semi-transparent. The visuals are also adjustable, along with update speed and other settings.